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Defeat inquisitor fortnite, How to find and defeat the Inquisitor boss in Fortnite Chapter 3, Season 4!

How to defeat inquisitor fortnite - The third chapter of Fortnite has already had plenty of tough boss battles, but Inkquisitor is definitely in a league of its own. The NPC is in the form of an irregular figure made mostly of chrome and wields a wide selection of weapons against anyone who dares to challenge him. However, the character will only appear after players enter a secret area of ​​the island. We show you how to find and defeat the Arbiter in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4.


Defeat inquisitor fortnite, How to find and defeat the Inquisitor boss in Fortnite Chapter 3, Season 4!

What is the place of Inkquisitor in Fortnitemares 2022?

Unlike The Herald, Inquisitor will not automatically spawn or walk around the map when a match begins. Instead, players must first go to the Grim Gables POI and summon the NPC by going to the bottom floor of his abandoned and haunted mansion. The area is a turn of mine with nothing more than a ritual circle surrounded by candles. You can then walk around the circle until the ground begins to shake and the inker is summoned.

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How to beat the Inquisitor

Those who dare to fight a hint will surely need full health, shields, and high-end weapons. The boss is considered one of the most difficult to date, as Grim Gables is also overrun by various powerful zombies and zombified animals. Also, you can look forward to a fantastic Inkquisitor download of your own. The NPC carries a pumpkin launcher, infinite containers of flammable fireflies, and his suppressed mythical SMG. If this battle doesn't seem difficult enough, the Arbiter also has hundreds of shields and health.

Defeat inquisitor fortnite, How to find and defeat the Inquisitor boss in Fortnite Chapter 3, Season 4!

The best way to prepare for this battle is to have your own Mythic. Fortunately, the ongoing Fortnitemares Halloween event introduced Mythic Howler Claws with a devastating Slash melee attack that can be used continuously. We also recommend leaving the mining queue immediately after the Arbiter spawns. 

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This should provide enough room to dodge his flaming Firefly Jars and give you time to plan his attack. After the boss is defeated, you can pick up the Arbiter's suppressed SMG to use on yourself. The weapon deals 24 damage per shot and has a rate of fire of 7.8.


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