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Fortnite tornado || Fortnite tornadoes invade Chapter 3 with a twist

How to find tornadoes in fortnite -  The tornadoes we saw in the Fortnite Chapter 3 trailer finally made their way to the game as part of a new overhaul.  The January 11 patch added tornadoes and lightning to the game, but instead of being scared of these massive new weather events, Epic encourages players to embrace them. In real life, you would definitely want to avoid situations like this, but there are many benefits to being struck by lightning or being sucked into a tornado in Fortnite.

Fortnite tornado || Fortnite tornadoes invade Chapter 3 with a twist

This is one of the biggest updates we've seen in Fortnite so far this season, and it's not even the big patch that comes with downtime.

Let's take a look at what these new tornadoes can do.

Don't be afraid of the tornado

If you come across a tornado in formation, instead of moving away from it, you may want to consider going in because it can be sucked in and use it as a way to rotate.

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Here's what Epic says:
“If you see a tornado starting to form, that's not a sign to flee,” the blog post says. Instead, find it as a swirling escape strategy! You will go round and round until you choose to slide to safety, or if you stay spinning long enough, until the tornado spits you out. Don't worry: you won't suffer damage from falls if you are thrown ”.

You can find tornadoes by watching the skies. You'll see a dark cloud and then a funnel coming out of it, so it's pretty hard to miss if you're really looking for one. However, lightning bolts can be more common and you shouldn't fear those rays either.

Stand in the lightning

Epic games

Lightning bolts work a bit differently than tornadoes because the hits damage you, but they also give you a little speed boost. It's similar to eating a hot pepper, so consider getting hit once or twice to see if you like it.

Here's how Epic explains it:
If you see a dark cloud starting to form, it's not necessarily a signal to flee either. Sure, the beam it emits deals a small amount of damage (and sets the surrounding area on fire), but the power of its discharge gives players a temporary speed boost.

How to increase the probability of being struck by lightning? Jump into a body of water below the cloud or reach the highest ground point below it! Lightning bolts don't strike twice in a row - once they strike you, lightning bolts will not strike you again immediately afterwards.

Standing in the water will make you more likely to get hit, so if you are really trying to get hit, give it a try. Another simple way to get hit is to build up to the cloud and meet the lightning bolt at its source.
To top it off, tornado week starts today and lasts through January 17. This means that tornadoes have the highest chance of appearing in a game so that players can experience the new content. 

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