Collect cog tags fortnite : Where to collect Cog Tags for Delta-One Quest
Where are the cog tags in fortnite - The first mission Fortnite players will undertake from Delta-One requires them to find some tags around the map.
This week, one of the Fortnite Chapter 3, Season 1 missions comes from Delta-One, the same group from the Gears of War franchise. The first part of this three-part quest line will have Fortnite players collect three COG tags around the map. By using this short guide, players will be able to find the COG tags so they can proceed to the next part of the mission and earn even more XP for this season's Battle Pass.
The Gears of War COG tags can be found in all of the locations listed below, but this guide, in particular, will show the best way to collect three of them very quickly:
- Two in the Daily Bugle
- One in the jones
- One at Rocky Reels
- One south of Greasy Grove
- One at Camp Cuddle
- Two in Shifty Shafts
- One at Logjam Lumberyard
- One in the sanctuary
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The quickest and easiest way to collect three COG tags in a Fortnite match is to head to the northwest corner of the map. There is a COG tag in Logjam Lumberyard, one in Shifty Shafts, and one to the southwest of Shifty. By accessing all three locations, players can easily grab the COG tags without much hassle.
Southwest of Shifty Shafts
If players head southwest of Shifty Shafts, they will find a large red bridge spanning a river. The COG tag can be found under the bridge on the ground. There are also a lot of cobwebs around this area, so be careful not to touch them and accidentally fly off the tag.
Shifting axes
Players must find the COG tag in the north section of this POI. They can use the image below to find the exact location.
Logjam lumberyard
And the latest COG tag for the Delta-One mission can be found in Logjam Lumberyard. If players are heading north towards the road, there should be a tag there, not too far behind the big red building here. If Fortnite players end up running down the street, then they have gone too far.
Of course, players can always visit the other locations to find the COG tags, but these three locations are definitely recommended.
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